A remembrance to those who gave all

Leadership is a convoluted oft debated word. It includes those who make things happen, those whom history remembers, and those whom history forgets. However, leadership is immeasurably valuable. It inspires, it creates change, and it has much to do with every part of our lives. While history may forget those who kept the ship steady, their fight was nonetheless valiant. These leaders are the ones who provide for our families, raise children, and give all they have for others. However, history typically only remembers those who stood up for something, those who did not care about the consequences, and those who were willing to give all up for their cause. Whether or not these are the leaders we can all be is debatable. After all, if we were all out fighting for what we believed in and never conforming in any way, would anything get accomplished? However, there is certainly a time and place for this type of leadership. For my last blog post, I will highlight some of the movers...